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  2. Big Brothers Big Sisters Services, Inc.
  3. Richmond Bowl for Kids' Sake 2020
  4. Here for the Beer
  5. Anthony Reale
Richmond Bowl for Kids' Sake 2020 logo
Sign up NOW to register your team for Bowl for Kids' Sake! 

The event will be March 6th, 2020 at Sunset Lanes.

The team fundraising goal for Richmond is $600 - an EASY $120/person!

Team Prizes 

Raise $600 as a team and celebrate your fundraising efforts at our bowl party where your team will each receive a BFKS t-shirt.

Raise $750 as your team will earn a FREE pitcher of beer or soda on March 6th at Sunset Lanes.

Raise $1000 and your team will get FREE pizza on March 6th at Sunset Lanes.

The top three fundraising teams will be awarded trophies in a ceremony during their bowling party!

Individual Prizes

When you raise:

$750 you receive a special BBBS prize

$1000 you receive the ULTIMATE BBBS prize

$2500 or more you receive one of our GRAND PRIZES!

The top individual fundraiser will be awarded a trophy in a ceremony during their bowling time!

If you would like to DONATE to a team, please click "Donate" and choose the recipient team. 
If you are a TEAM CAPTAIN, click "Register your own team" and follow the prompts.
If would like to JOIN A EXISTING TEAM, click "Participate as an individual" and find the team that you would like to join. 
If you would like to SPONSOR THIS EVENT, please click "Sponsor this campaign" and choose the recipient team.

To see all registered teams, please scroll to the bottom of the page!

Contact Liza Davis at edavis@bigbrobigsis.com


raised of $120 goal



Location / Venue

Big Brothers Big Sisters Services, Inc. logo
In Support of Big Brothers Big Sisters Services, Inc.
Active in Virginia since 1962, Big Brothers Big Sisters creates and supports one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. BBBS serves youths ages 6 to 18 by matching youth (Littles) with caring, consistent adult mentors (Bigs). Bigs and Littles meet weekly and work towards goals that help the Little build social skills, increase academic achievement, and create healthy lifestyles. Big Brothers Big Sisters provides mentors throughout Greater Richmond, Tri-Cities, Hampton Roads and the Greater Virginia Peninsula.


Pays for an in-person interview with a site-based Little



Provides one month of coaching for both the Big & Little



Covers the cost of a potential Big's background check