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  3. 30 Bigs in 30 Days Kick Off
30 Bigs in 30 Days Kick Off logo
Join the Brotherhood of the Bigs on Tuesday, December 6 at Home Team Grill to kick off our 30 Bigs in 30 Days campaign.

January 2017 is National Mentoring Month and in an effort to reduce our waitlist of more than 100 kids in need of a mentor, the Brotherhood plans to raise awareness and recruit 30 Bigs in 30 Days throughout the month.

Can't be a Big? That's okay! You can still support by helping to find, support, and grow new mentors through Match Makers, our new monthly giving opportunity.

By giving $15, $25, or $35 per month, you can make a big impact on the life of a child.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Olivia Garrett at ogarrett@bigbrobigsis.com

Thank you to our hosts:
Chris Cooke
Greg Darrisaw
Joe Dorsey
Chris Garnett
Pres Garrett
Riley Little
Mike Powers
Eric Wirth

See you on Dec. 6!



Location / Venue

Big Brothers Big Sisters Services, Inc. logo
In Support of Big Brothers Big Sisters Services, Inc.
Active in Virginia since 1962, Big Brothers Big Sisters creates and supports one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. BBBS serves youths ages 6 to 18 by matching youth (Littles) with caring, consistent adult mentors (Bigs). Bigs and Littles meet weekly and work towards goals that help the Little build social skills, increase academic achievement, and create healthy lifestyles. Big Brothers Big Sisters provides mentors throughout Greater Richmond, Tri-Cities, Hampton Roads and the Greater Virginia Peninsula.